Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Today for homework, we were assigned to do a worksheet about adverbs. I decided that blogging about adverbs would be much more fun than doing a paper for homework. Before I start giving some examples of adverbs, I want to make sure that you know what an adverb is. If you do not, here is the definition: 

 a word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, or other adverb or a word group, expressing a relation of place, time, circumstance, manner, cause, degree, etc. 

Here are some examples of sentences that have adverbs in them: (The red stands for the adverb and the bold words stand for what needs to happen.)
  •  When: Tag often needs a bath. Rosa will wash him soon. 
  • Where: Rosa washes him here. She takes him upstairs. 
Here is another way you could identify adverbs: (These sentences are from our homework sheet, and
I am only going to do from number one to number eight.)

  1.  Tag played in the mud yesterday.   Answer: Yesterday-when
  2. Then Rosa washed him.                  Answer: Then-when
  3. She brought his tub out.                  Answer: Out-where
  4. Tag stood nearby.                            Answer: Nearby-where
  5. The dog ran away.                           Answer: Away-where
  6. He dashed upstairs.                         Answer: Upstairs-where
  7. He always runs from a bath.           Answer: Always-when
  8. Rosa ran ahead of Tag.                   Answer: Ahead-where

 I hope the blog post helped you!

What are some adverbs that you have learned in class?

Can you come up with some sentences with adverbs in them?

What is your favorite adverb?

What is your favorite sentence with an adverb in it?  


  1. Dear Keira,

    What a helpful post! I liked how you did examples. Here is my favorite sentence with an adverb:

    Peter threw a football very quickly to the hand's of his dad.

    Here are a few sentences using adverbs.

    1. Peter threw a football very quickly to the hand's of his dad.
    2. Tomorrow will be Friday.
    3. Peter almost typed the wrong key, but luckily noticed it was the wrong one.
    4. Peter spoke very quietly while answering the question.

    Can you come up with any sentences with adverbs?



  2. Dear Keira,

    That post really helped me learn adverbs. I have some adverbs of my own I would like to share.

    1. He is likely to hit for the cycle after having a triple, double, and home run.
    2. Suddenly my mom announced I had my own blog.
    3. I happily smiled after my mom told me about the blog.
    4. I painfully cried after I broke my arm
    5. I quickly ran to first base after a ground ball sped through the infield.

    I can not think of any more, but if I do I will comment again.

    Can you tell me the adverbs in all of them?



  3. Dear Keira,

    Thank you for the post! It helped me a lot, and I think that it helped many other people.

    Here are some sentences with adverbs: (The verbs are bold and the adverbs are in italics)

    In a story, a knight fought a dragon bravely.

    The night soon realized he liked his job.

    The princess thanked him gratefully.

    After that, the princess declared that a royal ball was to start immediately.

    The ball started and ended successfully.

    Sadly, the book ended after "And they lived happily ever after!".

    Can you come up with the second book with the same characters? Can you tell me the answers? Here is an example: My dog will eat soon. Answer: Soon-when.



  4. Dear Keira
    ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖

    I want to share 5 sentenses with ad verbs.

    1. Suddenly my mother announced it was my brithday.
    2.My friend confessed that he blow out the candles.
    3.I gouged to school on Sunday. cat ate his fish.
    5. I sang Take Me Back to the Ballgame

    Did you like my ad verbs?
    ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖ ♖


  5. Dear Keira,

    That post made it so much easier for me to learn about adverbs! I also have some adverbs I would like to share.

    Bold = advreb

    1. I have three lovely dogs named: Riley, Miley, and Bella.
    2. I am most likely to be excited for summer brek.
    3. On one beautiful day, everything seamed so lively
    4. One sunny day, the sun shone so brightly


  6. Dear Keira,

    Here are some adverbs.

    1*Yesterday I went to the park.
    2*Today I broke my arm.
    3*After he broke his arm he cried.
    4*He sadly went to the hospital.
    5*He happily went home.
    6*Chance won the race quickly.

    I can't think of any more. Maybe you can write some more for me.


  7. Dear Keira,

    You cleverly crafted a fantastic blog post! I must say it was a timely post! I noticed that many of the comments state that you have elevated their understanding of adverbs greatly! Well done!

    Mrs. Y♥llis

  8. To Keira
    These are some adverbs:

    1. I swiftly jumped on my trampoline.
    2. I accidentally fell to the ground.
    3. I wasn’t badly hurt.
    4. Now I jump carefully.

